For the past two years, I've spent a lot of time on a side project of mine. I built an entire business around it and had a lot of fun. But as everything comes to an end it's finally time to shift my focus and start blogging more again.

The last months

When I initially started ilox (read here if you have no idea what ilox is) I knew that it's going to come to an end in the foreseeable future. I knew that the scarcity of mass-produced products can only be a temporary thing, and Corona and some other factors played a major role in this situation.

I've iterated countless times over this project, refactored it, and improved it. But while it's still online (and I don't actually plan to change that) I've put it in maintenance some weeks ago. I'm still fixing bugs and making sure everything is up and running - but, honestly, there's just no need for such a service at the moment. If new hardware gets released that's hard to get I do have the infrastructure and tools to help again - but as long as product availability stays stable there's just no need for such a service (which is a pretty good thing!).

But I'm not sad that it's - probably - over. I knew it wouldn't last forever, I had a ton of fun making it, I've met amazing people along the way - and I never planned on settling on affiliate marketing anyways. I guess I've done my part in helping to improve an extraordinary shitty situation - and I'm proud of that.

During these months I often had ideas for new content on - but never found time (or motivation) to actually create something. Within the last weeks, I've focused on slowing down, abandoned everything I didn't fully believe in, and ended up in a situation that gave me room to play some games once again (highly recommend Horizon on PS5!), time to travel or watch some series (Better Call Saul is just too good to not see it).

After taking a break from basically everything I normally do I'm now back to focus on my blog again - motivated and excited once again.

Blog updates

Every time I get back to my blog I update it to make up for my neglect  - and this time it's no different. I've updated to Ghost 5, which packs a lot of great features I've always wanted to have, like native search or comments.

I've also disabled premium memberships (and that one premium guide) for the time being, since I want to reiterate the idea of premium content.

The update also includes a new About page and some general bug fixes.

Hope you like it and see ya soon